
September 2, 2016

Advantages of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad instills comprehension of the political, technological, cultural, economic, and social forces that shape today’s global society, while also building self-knowledge and appreciation for multiple perspectives. It provides a platform for one to engage in meaningful cultural exchange and learning new languages that help towards confidence building and analytical skill. It enhances creativity, as will career potential (Byram and Feng, 2006).

Some of the challenges experienced while abroad help to shape an individual’s perspective on many global issues and they should instead be taken positively. Cultural difference is among such issues. A better understanding of other people’s cultures will greatly help comprehend practices by those communities.  Other than understanding other people’s cultures, being abroad on studies has a way of making people more appreciative of their own. It also offers a chance for one to present their own culture to foreigners in an understandable manner (Rumbley et al., 2014).


Adapting to the different environments is a life skill that come with studying abroad. It may be overwhelming but usually comes in handy on jobs that require a global perspective. Language difference is inevitable with overseas studies. It is a communication barrier that one ought to overcome quickly. This has helped shape the world as a global village and, therefore, should be appreciated and encouraged (d’Ambrosio and Yakoboski, 2010).

It also helps to understand other countries economy. The currency difference is usually a starter. Other indicators are usually found in the surrounding; the transport system, architectural designs and others that help appreciate the hard work of the hosts. This is besides enjoying great views at these foreign places (Biggs and Tang, 2011).

Studying farther from home alienates one from the immediate people that would usually offer assistance when faced with a challenge. Even so, being that far will help an individual create a whole new circle of reliable people to help. This fosters relations and offers life lessons on survival (Byram and Feng, 2006).

Read about ” What Statistics Show about Study Abroad Students

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